Change Settings on BetaFlight

To change settings on VOLTARA ESCs, while used with a BETAFLIGHT FC, 1st you need to flash VOLTARA ESC with bidir FW 1.46+, have the ESC powered up, connected to the FC, and the FC connected to the PC through the USB cable.

Open VOLTARA GUI, either locally or the web GUI:

While on the GUI welcome page, hit CONNECT:

Select the FlightController COM port:

After a successful connection, you will see 3 buttons, press CONFIGURATION:

If all worked well, you will now see the GUI populating all connected ESCs (max 8 ESCs) :

You can now change individual ESC’s settings and save those settings.

TIP: Sometimes ESCs might not populate 1st try, you might need to press the “Reload” button to re-read settings.

To exit, just press the “Disconnect” button and power-cyle FC and ESC.

I hope this was clear and helpful, if not, you are more than welcome on our Discord server for support.